Subscriber has been identified. Thank you for your help:
* David D.
* Ittai H.
* Dovid S.
--- //[[|Jon Jaroker]] 2013/10/06 14:36//
====== Hebrew Subscription Lists ======
Kagan, Berl Sefer ha-prenumerantn : ṿegṿayzer tsu prenumerirṭe hebreishe seforim un zeyre hos̀mim fun 8,767 ḳehilòs in eyrope un tsfun-afriḳe / Nyu Yorḳ : di biblioteḳ fun Yidish-Ṭeologishn seminar in Nyu-Yorḳ : Ketav, 1975.00108516
{{amazon>en:B005NFLVE6 =100}}
See also:
* [[|Tom Chatt, A Beginner's Guide to Kagen's Sefer HaPrenumerantn. JewishGen, September 2004.]]
===== Page 351 - Kagen Number =====
//Jurovice// Kagen number: 4055
===== Page 137 - Pre-Subscribers =====
Yiddish name for Jurevice: **יוראָוויצע**
Subscription Entry:
* Yiddish: **ילקוט אברהם**
* Transliteration: ILKUT ABRAHAM
* Translation: Compilation of Abraham
Number of pre-subscribers: (1) (FIXME: why is the number in parenthesis? Most subscriber numbers do not have parens. Does this indicate a group purchase, such as congregation?)
===== Page 313 - Book Information =====
{{ :sources:hsl:dsc06690.png?direct&400 |Book Information}}
* title of book (in bold) matching subscription entry (followed by a comma): **ילקוט אברהם**, Compilation Abraham
* name of author (ending with a period): **שלמה ישעיה ליפשיטץ**, Solomon Isaiah Lipschitz
* place of publication (followed by a comma): **מונקאטש**, Munkatsh (Could this be Mukachevo, Ukraine?)
* year of publication (ending with a period): **תרצ"א**
Publication date: 5691 (1931 C.E.)
===== Page 321 (Appendix 2) Authors =====
No authors from Yurevichi listed.
===== Page 334 (Appendix 3) Congregations =====
No congregations from Yurevichi listed.
===== Page 337 (Appendix 4) Fraternal Lodges =====
No fraternal lodges from Yurevichi listed.
====== ילקוט אברהם - Compilation of Abraham ======
{{:sources:hsl:compab1.png?direct&200|Compilation Abraham Title}}
{{:sources:hsl:compab2.png?direct&200|Compilation Abraham Author}}
{{:sources:hsl:seferid_7657_page_4231.png?direct&200|Page 423 - Subscription List for Yurevichi}}
===== About the Book =====
The //Compilation of Abraham// was compiled by Abraham Lipschitz and published by the author's son, Shlomo Yeshaya Lipschitz((This is mentioned in the frontispiece.))
===== Page 423 - Subscriber for Yurevichi =====
{{ :sources:hsl:p423-excerpt.png?direct&400 |Page 423 Excerpt}}
The Yurevichi resident who pre-subscribed to this book appears on page 423. There is an entry for "Yuravitze" in parentheses for "Yulnitze".
* Name: Reb Eliyahu/Eliyohu Greenberger