American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

Jewish Agricultural Communes in Crimea


Beyond Relief: JDC's Work in the Ukraine and Crimea between the Wars


1924-27 1928 1929 1930 TOTAL Note
Acreage allotted 358,300 22,700 250,600 1,000,000+ 1,631,600 Table 1 for Crimea
Number of Families Settled 2,037 908 821 1,530 5,296 Table 2 for Crimea
Number of Colonies 84 11 79 - 174
Total Expenditures ASJFSR1) - $ 750,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,450,000 Table III
Total for Crimea
and Ukraine
JDC2) $ 5,365,000 - - 100,000

Source: Statistics Reported November 24th, 1930

American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements in Russia, Inc.
Joint Distribution Committee